Office of gender equality and equity

What is the Municipal Office for Women?

The Municipal Office of Women (OFIM) is a municipal body that serves as a mechanism to establish local actions and programs for the promotion, protection and fulfillment of women's rights in a comprehensive and permanent basis. It is an institutional mechanism as part of the municipality contributes to the promotion and realization of pro-women's rights and citizenship local public policies.



In 1995 , our country has ratified the Convention on the Prevention , Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women , Convention of Belém do Pará. With this action the Costa Rican government pledged to implement public policies to address comprehensively the issue of domestic violence . National Plan for Attention to Domestic Violence ( PLANOVI ) promoted by the National Centre for the Development of Women and the Family ( CMF) , now the National Institute of Women (INAMU ) is then presented ,

The creation of the Municipal Women's Offices was driven precisely by INAMU , in 1996 under the PLANOVI . At that time, its creation was intended to facilitate a space in the municipal structure and interagency and intersectoral services provide information, guidance and care for women with an emphasis on domestic violence and dissemination picture support.

These offices were formalized in 1998 with the Law No 7801 INAMU creation , which is seen as one of its responsibilities, " promote the creation of ministerial, sectoral and municipal women's offices ; also ensure and coordinate their operation " ( Article 4, paragraph e).

Pursuant to this mandate, the INAMU promotes planned and sustained opening OFIM . In this period also , where is he redefined the profile and scope of OFIM , being conceived as mechanisms for promoting the rights of women at the local level , transcending a focus mainly towards domestic violence.

It is considered that the creation and institutionalization of these offices contribute to the democratization of our societies integrating the dimension of the home - town - development perspective , interests and needs of half of the population : women.


OFIM of Heredia

OFIM of Heredia began operations on July 17, 1999 , however, during the early years, no human resources nor necessary to solve the optimal operation of office equipment was provided . Currently the Office for Women has an annual budget of 36,036,348.00 , a professional psychologist and a secretary.

The objectives of the Office for Women are:

· Contribute to the incorporation of the interests and needs of women in municipal plans and policies and local development plans .

· Promote and encourage leadership and citizenship of women through technical , organizational and training police .

· Inform and educate on legislation, rights and government services and NGOs that promote the rights of women.

· Check and monitor the implementation of public policies and national, local and sectoral plans for equality and gender equity.

· Assisting with other instances of the municipality to promote policies , plans and actions for equality and equity between men and women.

· Refer women to the various services that provide both public and private institutions.

· Attend specialized form of violence against women in the family.




Primary care of family violence:

Violence against women is a form of structural oppression. Violence is systematic because group members is directed simply by being part of that group. The patriarchal oppression of women as stated Marcela Lagarde, is generic ie women are oppressed by the fact that women, whatever their class position, language, age, race, nationality, occupation.

Building new masculinities in Heredia

The Municipal Office of Women in conjunction with the Institute of Masculinity, Family and Sexuality (WEM) provides a therapeutic space for adult men with anger control problems. The group meets every Wednesday from 6-9 pm on the second floor of the Post Offices in Heredia.




Creating entrepreneurs program

The Municipal Office of Women in the area of ​​local governance with gender integration as one of its projects the program : "Creating Entrepreneurs ", implemented by DIGEPYME (Directorate General for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises ) MEIC with the purpose of promoting the creation and development of micro and small formal enterprises that generate economic resources to women.

The implementation of this goal in 2009 was conducted as a coordinated effort between OFIM and the Job , since the objectives required to achieve convergence as favorable economic affirmative action for women .

The course began on June 10 and will run for 16 more sessions . Heredia's 32 women participated in this process, which has to be concluded with the graduation event on Friday, November 13 at 2 pm . in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University .

Marketing Women Microentrepreneurs Heredia's Fair

As part of the actions managed by this office , two annual promote spaces for Heredia's women who develop a productive activity to market their products . This year is scheduled perform in June and one in November 16 to 30 , as part of the activities planned for the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.



The Women's Bureau of the Municipality of Heredia has opened up a support group for women who have lived or live in a situation of domestic violence or gender. 

The group meets on Wednesdays from 2-4 p. M. in the Conference Room of City Hall. 

The requirement is being a woman, of age and preferably live in Canton. No need to call or make an appointment, it is an open group. 

Totally Free.


Functionary name
Job 1
Tags: igualdad, equidad de género, violencia doméstica, nuevas masculinidades, niñez, persona adulta mayor, persona en situación de calle, LGBTIQ