Environmental unit

Bandera Azul 2020


The Municipality deImagen illustrative Heredia in its Environmental Commitment citizenship Herediana managed through proper management of solid waste improving the environmental conditions of Canton , seeking the efficient use of natural resources and environmental sustainability future .

We will work within the framework of the "Law for Integrated Waste Management " (number 8839 ) , giving priority to programs for waste recovery and recycling and awareness campaigns on environmental issues.



Implement educational programs in the county to promote the culture of separate collection , cleaning of public spaces and integrated solid waste management ( ISWM ) .
Contribute to services for waste management that are expected within the canton prioritize avoiding and reducing the generation , value , treat and properly dispose of waste.
Promote the installation , operation and regulation of recovery centers recoverable waste .
Develop a Plan for Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management in accordance with related national policies and that has civic participation and public and private organizations .



Urban growth requires citizen participation in each action performed by and for ( the ) citizens (as) . The land use planning process can not be perceived without considering the environmental management within their major axes , involve citizens in this process ensures the success that will give us better quality of life .

Citizen participation in the processes related to sustainable development is encouraged. This environmental education in waste management in order to prevent the risks that represents the accumulation of these rivers , vacant lots and public roads , looking for help in the rescue and conservation of watersheds and Canton while improving quality of life and Heredia's.


Mpr. Teresita Granados Villalobos
Responsible for the Unit
Tags: unidad, ambiente